Protective Shields
During the current COVID-19 pandemic when safety measures are utmost important to stop the spread of the virus, Protective shieldsincluding one of our best products i.e counter top protective shield sneeze guard serves as one of the most reliable self-measure developed by Modell especially to guarantee your safety owing to it’s updated features while you are at work. It safeguards your business dealings involving clients, protecting your staff members from direct exposure to the virus.
Involving the use of 3/16” PETG (Polyethylene Terephthalate Glycol) which is a strong durable plastic providing good chemical resistance, it acts as a perfect physical barrier between you and your client. It’s clear and transparent outlook adds to its attractiveness, further assuring ease at work. Available in 7 different standard sizes, Protective shieldscan be hung from ceilings or used as Counter top protective shield sneeze guardwith the help of its optional feet.
Protective shield sneeze guard is best suitable for business especially involving retails, shops, offices, and service centers. They are placed on the counters and work tables, providing protection from the virus for longer periods of time, ultimately helping in slowing down the spread of the virus. Counter top protective shield sneeze guard provides convenience at work without affecting the quality of your business as well as health. The forth most priority behind its developing is that it doesn’t compromise your health in any case while you are at work during the pandemic. TheCounter top protective shield sneeze guard further guarantees goodwill in
- Providing freedom in your business without causing discomfort/hindrance.
- Providing safety from the virus without limiting your health.
- Posing as a reminder for clients that safety is important without actually hurting their egos.
- Presenting guaranteed results promoting its future use.