Posted by on 7/1/2020 to
It’s easy to apprehend the concept of social distancing on a theoretical level, but have you observed how challenging it can be to implement it? This is where floor decals come to the rescue.
Get Ready
To Reopen Your
Businesses with Customizable Social Distancing and
Hygiene Floor Decals
The COVID-19 epidemic is unlikely to disappear anytime soon and it is expected that social distancing measures will have to be followed for the time being. As we’re moving forward and learning to live with this pandemic, governments have started to lift lockdowns and certain regulations, as a result of which businesses need to prepare themselves to welcome their staff and the public into the workplace in a safe way. However, will the companies be able to do this while abiding by social distancing rules? The answer is yes! The solution has become simpler than you think.

With the use of floor decals, stickers, and floor sign holders you can now regulate the flow and amount of foot traffic by placing them at a distance of 6 feet or more. These decals are especially useful for entrance, checkout lanes, and for directing the customers through the aisle in grocery stores, hospitals, restaurants, and other public places. These creative generic and customizable decals will not only grab the attention of the people but will also assist them in complying with social distancing and hygiene rules.
Thus, investing in COVID-19 decals
and stickers is worth it. It
will not only help you compliment your workplace but also creatively reinforce
social distancing.
Create a Social Distancing Plan to Implement At Your Workplace
If you’re lucky enough to have remained open amidst the Coronavirus breakout and imposition of a lockdown or are planning to reopen your business and work premises, you must follow and promote World Health Organization’s recommendations for social distancing and hygiene measures especially if you’re dealing directly with the public, have a congested or crowded store or office premises than your social distancing plan must include the following steps to ensure the safety of your dear employees and customers.
- Restructure workspace layout to ensure 2 meters or more distance between people.
- Identify the spots where people gather or make queues and place social distancing decals or stickers.
- Restrict the number of people entering your store.
- Ensure people who’re entering the office and store staff is adhering to all health and safety precautionary measures.

Use COVID-19 specific floor decals, and sign holders to mark the spots where people should stand and wait for their turn. These floor graphics have now become a must- have resource in retail stores, offices, subway stations, and other public places to remind the public to follow social distancing, prompt them to wear masks, gloves and avoid touching their face.
Since Coronavirus can survive on surfaces for a considerable time it means that it can transfer to hands from objects therefore, using hand sanitizer or rigorous practice of washing hands at all times must be encouraged. Hand sanitizer dispensers can be installed in stores and offices and if any of your employees are suspected Coronavirus case or is infected, make sure that they stay at home!
The ongoing epidemic is creating yet a lot of challenges for businesses around the globe, keeping customers and employees safe must be your utmost priority. Taking measures like the ones highlighted above will certainly help.
Your One-Stop Shop for Ordering COVID-19 Healthy and Safety Decals – Modell Printing
Modell printing offers health hygiene decals, floor decals, and floor sign holders to help you prepare for the new standards at your workplace amid the COVID-19 pandemic. The designs are pre-made but can be customized as per your business needs.

Modell’s dedicated staff ensures that these decals and sign holders are accurately tailored to client’s preferences, and offers a wide range of
designs and sizes with COVID-19 specific content. They help businesses to pick the right decals and stickers for their brand.
Modell not only assures best print quality and adhesiveness of its decals but also its readability. These removable stickers can be read even from a distance with the use of large and bold letters. Modell being known for its excellent services and reputation in the market will help in redefining your business so that you may excel even during the tough COVID-19 pandemic. Remember, we are all in this together!
So, demonstrate the commitment to your staff, customers, and your community through practicing healthy distancing strategically placed floor decals, hygiene stickers, and floor sign holders. It’s an effective way to protect everyone that moves through your space!